Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Fears of Aztan - Smartest Kids in America

In March of last year, MIT named Cristian Arcega, Lorenzo Santillan, Oscar Vazquez and Luis Aranda as winners of the NASA sponsored Underwater Robotics contests.

These four have been called, "The Smartest Kids in America." Beating the well manned and funded team from MIT.

It turns out that they were undocumented immigrants, but NASA awarded them first prize anyway.

Now, that the dust has settled, reality sets in and we find these four exceptionally gifted youth resigning to the plight which is their destiny as is for many of the poor, ignored and persecuted members of our society.

Vazquez and Aranda graduated from Hayden last spring, but they're not in college now because they're undocumented immigrants and thus ineligible for student loans or low cost in-state tuition. Vazquez is hanging drywall and Aranda is filing papers at a Social Security office. Santillan and Arcega are still at Hayden; their chances for a college education are slim.

If these children were from Canada, Europe, or even Asia, they would probably have been assisted in becoming legal residents or been awarded college financial assistance, but with the current hostilities towards Mexicans in general, it is just luck that they have not been deported.

Great minds are not exempt form the xenophobic rampage gripping the drone leading to the upcoming election year.

Some Americans are advocating for constitutional amendments that would allow foreign-born persons to be elected to the presidency and repeal birth right citizenship to prevent the Mexican-American population from gaining political numbers.

Social scientists say that the true nature of these proposed amendments are to keep Hilary Clinton from being elected in 2008 and George P. Bush, who is brown skinned with a Mexican American mother from being elected in 2012.

Fears of Aztlan arise as the Southwestern United States has shown a considerable shift in demographics, where the majority in major cities are Mexican-Americans. Chicanos, the most politically active of Latino cultures in the US, have won seats in Los Angeles and Sacramento and are gaining economic control in much of the Southwest.

Last year Latinos filled one third of the US Job Market and the Latino economy continues to solidify its growing influence in the 21st century, the ripple effects already have begun to profoundly alter the nation’s political, social, cultural, and economic structures.

Anti-diversity advocates like Sen. Tancredo, Lou Dobbs, Michelle Malkin, Jim Gilchrist and Bill O’Reilly state that they have been warning Americans of this miscegenation of American culture, but what they have failed to accept is that one of Americana's most renowned icons is in essences and substance Mexican in origin - the Cowboy. They also fail to recognize the fact that Mexico, as Nuevo España, funded 80% of the American Revolution and provided troops that fought the British from the Gulf of Mexico to York Town – many were Mestizos and Mexican Indians. The Fourth of July banquet consists of Mesoamerican Indigenous foods introduced by Mexicans to the Europeans in the US: barbecue, corn-on-the-cob, tomatoes, and potatoes.

Ignorance is bliss and some Americans will live in ignorance, believing that only White people have contributed to the building of our nation. I pity them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please. Like many other "academic" awards, the first consideration is the race of the individuals up for prizes. If the "contestants" are black or brown, they jump to the front of the line. Whites can forget it, and Asians are an embarrassment, as they aren't white, but perform at superb levels, putting the lie to the claims by blacks and browns that racism keeps them down. These kids were picked for what they are instead of what they did or could do. And you know it.

6:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:00 PM  
Blogger Ernest M. Saenz said...

Aware said...Please. Like many other "academic" awards, the first consideration is the race of the individuals up for prizes.


That is an urban myth. White Privilege usually carries the day. One of the hardest things for a racist to accept is that someone from a race not his own can best him.

8:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People like the Minutemen are afraid--very afraid--and they should be. They know that their days barking at the top of the heap are numbered. Lest we forget, the Irish were once the immigrants everybody loved to hate. Now they own Boston, and one of them even became President. Take that, Lou Dobbs and Mr. REILLY.

1:59 AM  

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